Thursday, November 27, 2008

SALE, SALE, SALE! - Black Friday thru Cyber Monday

Why wade through all those people in the shops when you can buy online?! Many sales are running the Friday after Thanksgiving on the shops at Looking for vintage jewelry, patterns, aprons, etc? Check my shop out at Don't find what you need? There are many etsy members with great discounts for the holidays. Whether you're looking for vintage, handmade or supplies for crafting, Etsy is the place to be!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Go Green...Buy Vintage!

"Going green" and saving energy seems to be the in thing that everybody's talking about these days. There are discussions ranging from solar energy & dual fuel cars, to wind power and growing your own vegetables. But I'd like to suggest that we may be overlooking a very important "green" topic -- Recycling VINTAGE items!

Just think how much fun it is to take trips down memory lane. Whne you buy vintage items, you get to do just that. Plus, you are saving an item from possibly being discarded into our landfills which are already too full. You can also get some great deals when it comes to vintage. There are many different websites to find that unique vintage item. If you're looking for jewelry, aprons, Christmas items, patterns, etc. check out my store at There are other sellers on Etsy as well that may have just the right thing!

But... vintage shops aren't just for the buyer of pre-made items. The crafter can also shop vintage to find those unique supplies such as recycled buttons, belt buckles, vintage patterns, reclaimed lace, miscellaneous jewery parts and many other things that can be re-worked into wonderful new projects.

So.... why not join the crowd and start buying vintage? Get out there and find that vintage gift for that special person at Christmas. Let's have some fun and improve our planet all at the same time!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

New shopping site

I have just discovered a new site online that is really interesting! It is a site that allows crafters and sellers of vintage items to sell at a low cost to internet buyers. The site is "" and I was so impressed, I started my own store! For years I have made hand made gifts and have even done several craft shows. I have also been interested in antique and vintage items. That's what my store is currently about. I have costume jewelry, vintage purses, However, I hope to put up some craft items in the near future. If you want to check out my site, go to You might just find something you can't live without!

TootsysTreasures Etsy Shop